Spinal Decompression Therapy Treatment
What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is FDA approved with a clinically proven success rate. We utilize the Kennedy Decompression Therapy Technique (KDT®). Decompression is an application of axial traction with the intention of “decompressing” a compressed structure (specifically a disc), to improve healing, reduce nerve disc impingement, and help relieve pain.
Traction achieves its effect (pain relief) through decompression of the spinal structures. When you traction the spine, it accelerates the insititual fluid in which nutrients and oxygen are brought to the structure (ie: herniated disc) while also trying to flush out the other chemical irritants.
How Does Spinal Decompression Work?
Decompression is the use of traction in directional preference positioning. The key is the Kennedy Decompression Therapy Technique in which there is a gentle pull with specified weight on the body to stretch the lumbar or cervical area in which we are focusing along with a resting phase. This is all accomplished while you are resting on the bed in a comfortable relaxing position.
Why Choose Us?
A.R.T. Certified
Free Van Service from Clinic to Home for Automobile Related Accidents.
Immediate Appointments
Modern Facility
Full Exercise Room​
Parking with Handicap Entrance
Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff
No Surgery or Drugs
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy
How often will I need to receive Spinal Decompression Therapy?
The precise treatment plan will be determined by your Doctor after your examination and evaluation. Based on present research, the best results have been achieved by a 15-20 session protocol over a 4-8 week time period. Depending on your evaluation, session times may vary from 30 minutes per treatment.
To aid in reducing inflammation and assist in the healing process, modality therapies, such as: ice and/or heat, electric stim, ultrasound and/or the chiropractic impulse adjuster may be applied during your decompression therapy treatment.
Those Not Indicated for Spinal Decompression Therapy:
Pregnancy, Structural Disease due to Tumors/Infection, Osteoporosis, Rods/Screws in the Spine, Severe Cardiovascular Disease, vascular Compromise, Aortic Aneurysm or Severe Respiratory Disease, if Movement is Contra-Indicated, Acute Sprain Strains, or Inflammation that could be aggravated, Hiatal/Abdominal Hernias, Joint Instability, Hypermobility or Spinal Fracture.
Am I a Candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is indicated to help treat the following:
• Discs (Herniated, Bulging, Protruding, Prolapsed)
• Degenerative Disc Disease
• Degenerative Joint Disease
• Joint & Discogenic Pain, Radicular Pain
• Spinal Root Impingement
• Acute Facet Problems
• Hypomobility
• Posterior Facet Syndrome
• Facet Syndrome
• Compressions Fractures